Intro to the Dev Environment

Learning Objectives

Students will be able to:

  • Be more productive by using the keyboard vs. the mouse
  • Use the Terminal Command Line Interface (CLI) to navigate and manipulate the filesystem
  • Use the VS Code text editor to open and edit files

Being More Productive by using the Keyboard vs. the Mouse

Launching Apps with Spotlight

  • Developers avoid using the mouse whenever possible
  • Developers are more productive when their hands are on the keyboard
  • Open applications using Spotlight instead of the mouse by:

    1. Pressing cmd+space to open Spotlight
    2. Start typing the name of the app until the app is highlighted
    3. Press enter to open the app!

Switching Between Applications

  • Quickly switch between running applications by pressing cmd+tab
  • If a minimized applications does not display after tabbing to it with cmd+tab:

    1. Continue to hold down cmd and release tab
    2. Press option then release cmd

Switching Between Instances of an Application

  • You can switch between multiple windows of the same application using cmd+` (that's a back-tick character, which is above the tab key)
  • Note that it's best to minimize how many windows/applications you have open when developing to make switching between applications quicker and minimize distractions to the job at hand

Uploading Screenshots and Images to

Why Upload Images?

  • Often you will need to share images with others or use them in your applications, notes, readme files, etc
  • Unfortunately, if an image exists only on your computer, you lose the ability to use it anywhere but on your computer
  • The solution is to upload images to a cloud service...


  • One of the most popular image hosting services on the Internet is Imgur.
  • Go there now and open a free account
  • Although you can upload images using Imgur's web interface, but there's a better way...

Upload Tools for Imgur

Click this link to go to a page of different tools you can use to conveniently upload images to imgur from your computer


  • The following keyboard shortcuts can be used to take screenshots of your screen:

    • Whole screen: shift-cmd-3
    • Part of your screen: shift-cmd-4
    • A certain window: shift-cmd-4, then spacebar to toggle window mode

Using Spectacle to
Move and Size Windows

What is Spectacle?

  • Spectacle is a free utility that resizes and snaps into position app windows
  • If you don't see the "spectacles" in your menubar, launch Spectacle using Spotlight
  • When running, Spectacle will listen to the keyboard for certain key combinations (hotkeys) and will resize/position the active application accordingly...

Using the Terminal
Command Line Interface

What is Terminal?

  • Terminal is the developers' choice for entering commands and navigating the filesystem
  • Terminal is also known as a shell. The default shell in Mac OS X is Bash. You will find the terms terminal and bash often used interchangeably
  • Go ahead and open Terminal (remember - use Spotlight!)

Command Line Basics

Before we get started with this section, it might be helpful to ensure we are all using the same shell configuration.

That said, here are some screenshots to show how your instructor has set up their shell:

screenshot screenshot screenshot

Now that we've reviewed shell config, here are the basic command tasks we'll try out:

  • Change directories (folders)
  • List a directory's contents
  • Create a directory
  • Create a file
  • Move files and directories
  • Copy files and directories
  • Rename files and directories
  • Delete files & directories
  • Command history & clearing the window

Change Directories

  • We use the cd command to change directories
  • Let's change to the home directory of the logged in user:

    $ cd ~
  • Here are a few common shortcut characters used when navigating the filesystem:

    • ~ The logged in user's home directory
    • / The root (top-level) directory on the harddrive
    • . The current directory
    • .. The parent directory of the current directory
  • The pwd command "prints" the current (working) directory

List a Directory's Contents

  • Use the ls command to display a concise list
  • ls does not display hidden files by default, adding the -a option will show them
  • tree is a nice utility for displaying a graphical representation of a directory and its nested directories.
    Install it by typing brew install tree

Create a Directory

  • Use the mkdir command to create directories
  • Let's create a drawers directory inside of the home directory:

    $ mkdir ~/drawers
  • Note that you don't have to specify the full path if we are already in the home directory

Using Tab Auto-Completion

  • Change to the home directory
  • Now let's change to our newly created drawers directory, however, only type cd d,
    then press tab which will auto-complete directory name(s)
  • You can cycle between matching directory names by continuing to press tab

Creating Files

  • We use the touch command to create empty files
  • Let's move to the drawers directory and create a directory named socks. Here is how we can create the directory and change to it using a single command:

    $ mkdir socks && cd socks
  • Now let's create a dress.socks file:

    $ touch dress.socks

Practice Creating Directories and Files

  1. Create this directory: ~/drawers/pjs
  2. Create two files in the new pjs folder named warm.pjs and favorite.socks

Moving Files

  • Okay, so we have a messy drawers/pjs, let's move our favorite.socks file out of the pjs folder and into the drawers/socks folder where it belongs!
  • Here's how we can do the move regardless of which directory we're currently in by using absolute paths:

    $ mv ~/drawers/pjs/favorite.socks ~/drawers/socks/

    Be sure to use tab-completion!

Note that you have the option to use absolute and/or relative paths.

Moving Directories

  • Moving directories is just as easy using the same mv command
  • Try it out:

    1. Create a ~/shorts directory
    2. Move the newly created shorts directory into the drawers directory

Renaming Files

  • Guess what - there's no dedicated bash command to rename files and directories!
  • Don't panic! The mv command is very flexible!
  • Here's how we can rename the warm.pjs file to summer.pjs from anywhere:

    $ mv ~/drawers/pjs/warm.pjs ~/drawers/pjs/summer.pjs
  • Of course, you can actually move and rename simultaneously!

Deleting Files

  • We use the rm command to delete both files and directories
  • Let's first use it to delete the dress.socks file. Here's one way:

    $ cd ~/drawers/socks && rm dress.socks
  • Using the * wildcard character, it's possible to delete and move multiple files. For example, typing *.socks would match all files with an extension of .socks...

Deleting Directories

  • Deleting directories is almost the same as deleting files except you must use the -r option, which runs the rm command "recursively" to delete a directory and it's contents.
  • To delete the pjs folder we could use this command:

    $ rm -r ~/drawers/pjs

Moving Multiple Files

  • To demonstrate moving multiple files, re-create the dress.socks file we just deleted from the socks directory
  • Now let's move all of the .socks files out of the socks folder into our home folder. The following command assumes we're inside the socks folder:

    $ mv *.socks ~
  • Now, without changing directories, return the socks files back to where they belong

Copying Files & Directories

  • Use the cp command to copy files and directories
  • Here's how we can copy all .js files:

    $ cp *.js ~/dest-folder
  • And entire directories by adding the -R option:

    $ cp -R ./sample-code ~/dest-folder

Command History & Clearing the Window

  • Pressing the up and down arrows in Terminal will cycle through previously entered commands. This can be a huge time saver!
  • If you'd like to clear the Terminal window, simply press cmd+k

Using VS Code to Open and Edit Files

What is VS Code?

  • VS Code is a popular open-source text-editor maintained by Microsoft
  • It's very customizable and capable
  • VS Code's functionality can be extended using extensions, however, most useful features are built-in
  • To try it out, let's use VS Code to open and edit a file...

Add VS Code to $PATH

  • We want to be able to type in code . in Terminal and have VS Code open the current directory for editing
  • First, open VS Code's Command Palette by pressing ⇧⌘P
  • Next, type "shell command" and select the Shell Command: Install 'code' command in PATH command
  • Restart Terminal for the new $PATH to take effect

For the above to work, VS Code must be installed in the Applications folder

Going Forward

  • Today, we have only scratched the surface of tools such as Terminal and VS Code
  • Rest assured that throughout your time in SEIR, we will help you to get to know these tools much better!