Adding Mongo to Our "Turtles API" Lab

So you built a turtles API.

The only issue is you are using an array so it resets whenever the server resets.

Try refactoring your API using Mongoose/MongoDB.

General Steps to take


  • Install mongoose and dotenv
  • Setup your connection in server.js or another file
  • Setup your Turtle model in server.js or another file
  • Create a route that is a get request to /seed that will pass the turtles array to Turtle.create and seed your database
  • Refactor the index route to pull the data from mongo not the array
  • Refactor the show route to pull the data from mongo not the array based on :id not :index
  • Refactor the create route to create a new turtle in mongo not the array
  • Refactor the update route to update an existing turtle in mongo, not the array using :id not :index
  • Refactor the delete route to delete an existing turtle in mongo, not the array using :id not :index

Hungry for More

Create a react app and try to at least call the index route and display the turtles.

If you run into an error check out the following resources to fix: